A father in search of a son.
A son in search of his father.
A wife in search of herself.
Ulysses, James Joyce’s modernist masterpiece, is nominally about a day in the life of two ordinary Dubliners, but is really about the entire scope of human experience: life, love, grief, drinking, faith, poop, jealousy, more drinking, music, sex, literature, patriotism, still yet more drinking, language, death, and the meaning of home. This joyous and anarchic adaptation seeks to unwind the famously knotty text for experienced Joyceans and newcomers alike, bringing raucous and rowdy life to Joyce’s epic but very human comedy.
Adapted by Jess Wright Buha and Aileen Wen McGroddy from the novel by James Joyce.
Genre: adventure, romance, comedy, drama
Length: Full-length, two acts, 150 minutes
Cast: 7 actors
Set: A university classroom
For licensing info, contact Jess here.

(Molly reads the letter and counts the strands of her hair.)
PROFESSOR: A soft qualm, regret, flowed down his backbone, increasing.
BLOOM: Will happen.
BLOOM: Prevent.
BLOOM: Can’t move.
"HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! The Plagiarists production of Ulysses left me wanting to read James Joyce and marvel in the ordinary that is extraordinary of my own life."
Brianna Kratz, Third Coast Review
Premiered June 2014, The Whiskey Rebellion Theatre, Chicago, IL
Produced by: The Plagiarists, Chicago, IL (2016)