Radio Mode, X-Men: Age of Orchis

Inspired by her childhood listening to '90s morning radio shows, Jubilee and Nightcrawler (the showman who can't resist a microphone) team up to create Jubles and the Bamf, a radio show that nominally dispenses tips for the new recruits but mostly devolves into light banter between these two gregarious friends with vastly different backgrounds.

Length: 40 two-minute scenes
Genre: comedy
Produced by Six to Start in collaboration with Marvel Entertainment

Jubilee -
Crystal Lee
Nightcrawler - Travis Clark
Jean Grey - Kym Miller
Forge - Drew Hobson
Wolverine - Christian Sloan

Writer - Jessica Wright Buha
Director - Ella Watts

JUBILEE: I mean, wouldn't it be fun to get everyone together for something less formal than, like, the Hellfire Gala? Like what Beast is doing with the play, what's it called--


JUBILEE: Yeah, Beast is directing a play. Auditions were--when were they--last week?

NIGHTCRAWLER: But I was not told about--[this play]

JUBILEE: Haven't heard back from Beast yet--probably just deciding which of the lead roles to give me.

NIGHTCRAWLER: What is this play?

JUBILEE: Some Shakespeare play set on a desert island--

NIGHTCRAWLER: Beast is doing The Tempest?

JUBILEE: Yeah! Maybe--I don't remember the name of the show. Is the main character a magician?


JUBILEE: Who has a daughter who falls in love with some hottie?


JUBILEE: But also there's this super-angsty, half-human half-monster bro--


JUBILEE: --who tries to murder the magician to reclaim the island which may or may not be rightfully his?

NIGHTCRAWLER: Yes, that is the play!

JUBILEE: Then yep--definitely The Tempest.

NIGHTCRAWLER: And I missed the auditions?

JUBILEE: Kurt, I'm sorry--they were super-fun, too. I got to pretend to wear a corset, and say some words I didn't really understand...

NIGHTCRAWLER: But why did no one tell me?

JUBILEE: I guess I assumed you knew about it and just didn't wanna do it.

NIGHTCRAWLER: Excuse me, Jubilee.

JUBILEE: Where are you going?

NIGHTCRAWLER:I thought I might see if Beast is free to chat.

JUBILEE: Wait, isn't he off doing something in the Savage Lands?

NIGHTCRAWLER: Ja. So I'll go to a gate and fetch him.



Press for Marvel Move

“And then of course, there’s Jubles and the Bamf. Oh, Jubles and the Bamf — Marvel Move is worth the subscription for this part alone.[…] Age of Orchis, Radio Mode features the radio broadcast of Jubilee (Crystal Lee) and Nightcrawler (Travis Clark), live from Krakoa. Written by Jessica Wright Buha, it’s quickly become one of my favorite stories to have come out of the Krakoan age. […] Lee’s and Clark’s voices sell a wide range of emotions and stories that make this some of the best appearances of these characters across any Marvel medium (And ye gods, there are a lot). I have definitely extended my walks by a mile or two just to hear more of their stories.

- Armaan Babu,

“For those that may not be familiar with the overall parent app (ZRX) and its predecessor fitness program Zombies, Run!, the formula is pretty straightforward: it's basically an immersive audio book app that tracks your walks/runs. Each story contains micro-chapters so you'll run/walk for a bit, and then get to hear another micro-chapter. The operative term here is: "immersive". The stories place you in the lead role (as a silent actor of sorts) and the rest of the narrative cast interact with you directly. The result is an experience that feels very personal. […] It's hard to describe, but this overall exercise format/structure helps fitness be way more motivating for me.”


Marvel Move is an immersive storyline-led fitness experience that makes running, jogging or walking – inside or outside, on a treadmill or in a wheelchair – a highly entertaining experience. […] Listening to the stories about my childhood favourites certainly filled me with nostalgia, which made me appreciate being part of the story even more.”

- Matt Kollat,


Unwell: A Midwestern Gothic Mystery